First blog post

It was absolutely not my plan to retire at age 56. I mostly loved my job as a high school world history teacher, but neck and back problems overruled my work intentions. In the beginning, retirement was like the first week of summer vacation: staying up late, catching up on all the little details that get overlooked during the frenzy of the school year, and getting my medical and financial details in order. In time, the days and weeks and months degenerated into bordom. When you are accustomed to working 70 hours a week, it is a shock to the system to have so much time on your hands. In giving up my job, I also gave up the comraderry of my colleagues and a sense of purpose in my life. It was clearly time to embrace the opportunities of retirement. Despite the physical limitations that killed my career, there are a world of opportunities to explore. The goal of this blog is to share my adventures, make sense out of this crazy world in which we live, and inspire others to do the same.


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